Jade Roller

Regular price IDR 188.500,00
Sale price IDR 188.500,00 Regular price IDR 290.000,00
Tax included.

FSS Jade Roller is made of real natural stone.

How to use :

  • Use after your skin care routine to increase absorption and allow the roller to glide on smoothly.
  • Chill in the refrigerator before use, it helps increase the feeling of relaxation.
  • Begin rolling from the bridge of the nose as the center of the face.
  • Glide in long strokes to the edges of the face.
  • Use consistently for best results. can be used in the morning and at night.

Functions & Targets:

  • Helps absorption of skincare
  • Reducing puffiness in the facial area
  • Helps the fluid drainage system / lymphatic channels under the facial skin
  • Promote blood circulation
  • Relax facial muscles
  • Soothing reddish, sore, and so on
  • Helps fight texture and fine lines on the face


Q: What's the difference between Jade roller (green) & Rose roller (pink)?

A: The function, method of use, and benefits are the same, only the type of natural rock is different. Rose roller has the advantage of absorbing faster and cooler than Jade.


FSS Jade Roller terbuat dari batu alam asli.

Cara Penggunaan :

  • Gunakan setelah rutinitas perawatan kulit anda untuk meningkatkan daya serap dan memungkinkan roller digunakan dengan baik.
  • Dinginkan dalam lemari es sebelum digunakan, ini membantu meningkatkan relaksasi saat memakai.
  • Pemakaian dapat dimulai dari hidung sebagai pusat wajah.
  • Gunakan secara konsisten untuk hasil terbaik, dapat digunakan di pagi dan malam hari.

Fungsi & Target:

  • Membantu penyerapan skincare
  • Mengurangi sembab-sembab di daerah wajah
  • Membantu sistem drainase cairan /saluran limpatik dibawah kulit wajah
  • Melancarkan peredaran darah
  • Merelaksasi otot wajah
  • Menenangkan wajah yang kemerahan, perih, dan sebagainya
  • Membantu melawan tekstur dan garis-garis halus pada wajah


Q: Apa bedanya Jade roller (hijau) & Rose roller (pink)?

A: Fungsi, cara pakai, dan benefitnya sama, hanya berbeda jenis batuan alamnya. Rose roller memiliki keunggulan lebih cepat meresap dan lebih dingin dibanding Jade.

100% authentic natural gemstone


Q. What's the difference between Jade and Rose Roller?
A. Only the type of natural rock is different. The rose one slightly faster to absorb the cold than the jade, but they have the same function and methods of use.

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